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SOM Ingredients has spent its entirety curiously seeking and collecting the world’s most coveted ingredients.

Through our 17 years, we’ve devised an ethos built on honouring each origin, the land which homes it and the hands in which it passes.

The pursuit led them to what would inspire years of global explorations, observation and quality sourcing. The bare essence of SOM Ingredients has been built on the admiration for the land and through each leaf, fruit & root, we serve as a reminder that we are nature.

Each blend is a homage for the traditions, farmers & people who inhabit and nurture these diverse environments.


Each ingredient which passes through these hands is safe kept and meticulously tended, as we safeguard the processes and land from which it is obtained.

Through the nurturing of tradition, custom practices & absolute care, we ensure to hold all of its native savour & properties.

Importing &

All leaves & spices are carefully considered in the form of which they are primed.

Patience and a conscientious pace is imperative, prioritising that each ingredient follows its unique procedure, to hold its most natural state.

& Compliance

The ultimate product combines our considered methods and the gentle care of each person behind it.

Collected & carried through to our factories, we package our blends to be sent to our distributors and our customer’s keep.



Supply chain partner forleading manufacturers & brands


Finest ingredients for chefs
and beverage professionals


Recipe development, sourcing,
testing, blending and milling